HIGH SCORES WINDOW: This window shows the top 10 high scores separated by game type. The scores are sorted by top score value. The header row read as follows: # Position number Name Players name TS Top Score LS Score obtained in game recorded G Games player has made best score P# Player number when best score was made G# Game number when best score was made TM Timer mode when best score was made TL Timer setting when best score was made (only meaningfull when TM=1or 2) D Date when the score was made T Time when the score was made The type popup menu, Contents, selects which high scores to display. Click the Clear button to delete the high score entries shown. Click the Clear All button to delete all high score entries. The sort popup menu allows you to sort the high scores based on a column. This directly sorts the high scores data base, so the window will show entries based on the last sort selected. When a game ends, the high scores data base is updated and resorted based on the top score field. You may save all high score entries to a text file by selectiong, Save As Text from the file menu.